Successful beekeeping demands advanced skills, requiring years of a trial and error process.
Eng. Johny Abou Rjeily has gathered all the knowledge needed, acquired through sixteen years of experience to provide with a shortcut to eliminate any mistakes and take beekeeping into different heights.
This groundbreaking Masterclass will guarantee success in beekeeping and will provide with unique beekeeping skills, leading into the right track of a financial freedom. This is a know how step by step guide to ensure beekeeping independence and solutions to all beekeeping problems that are presented in a simplified way.
In this Masterclass Eng. Johny Abou Rjeily shares all his secrets, agricultural tips and Jar Honey way of beekeeping, which has become a signature style in a beekeeping business.
All about bees:
- Introduction to a honeybee.
- Evolution and genetics.
- Breeds
- Introduction to a beehive
- Beehive inhabitants
- Life cycle of honeybees.
- How do bees live and communicate?
- Pollination
- Dance of the bees
- What do bees eat?
- Products of the hive.
All about Honey:
- Introduction to honey
- How is honey produced?
- Honey varieties
- Nutritional value of honey
- Honey crystallization
- Raw v/s pasteurized honey
- Storing honey
- Honey, infants and diabetes
Apitherapy and bees’ byproducts
- What is apitherapy?
- All about pollen
- All about propolis
- All about royal jelly
- All about bees wax
- All about venom
Start beekeeping (beginner’s level)
- What is beekeeping
- Tricks before you start
- Selecting locations
- Equipment and tools
- How to get bees?
- Beekeeping calendar
- Hive inspection
- Finding the queen
- Adding frames
- Adding suppers
- Nutrition and Feeding
- Swarm management
- Queenless colony?
- Diseases monitoring and management
Become a professional beekeeper (advanced level)
- Purpose of keeping bees
- Honey production
- Bees production
- Queen rearing
- Pollen, royal jelly, propolis, wax and bee venom production
- Hive health
- Troubleshooting problems
- How to help weak hives?
- How to merge many beehives?
- Robber bees
- The art of wintering your bees
- Bee beard
- Feeding
- Bees and climate change
Master Beekeeper: (professional level)
- Business plan
- Management
- Marketing
- Hints, Tips
- Do’s and don’t’s
- Bee beards